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Red Rum Club - Ballerino

I came across this band the other day on the recommendation of a close friend and I thought why not give these guys a review. So this is Red Rum Club they are from Liverpool, UK and their debut album Matador reached top 50 in the album charts as well as having their tracks played on various BBC Radio stations and have played at a few festivals last year too including Glastonbury.

Their sound is best described as Tarentino-esque wild western vibes with the help of a trumpet and alternative rock. So, let’s have a listen to their EP.

The EP starts with the title track Ballerino which starts off with a bit of electropop and the trumpet which fuses with the rock vibe. The vocals are absolutely poetic and the storytelling is so good and full of short blasts of words and as I said before poetic, the track is a winner for me and if you’re not a fan of modern alternative rock then this may change your mind because this track is so good. The light and shade fused with the storytelling is an absolute hot with me.

Kids Addicted again starts off with the synths and trumpet and this one has more of a bass line and heavier guitars compared to the previous track which was heavy on the trumpet but this one is more in the style of Franz Ferdinand with the musicality and the way that that track is delivered and will capture the audience. You can see why they are well thought of and why their tracks have made it so big.

Finally Eleanor this track made it onto the Radio 2 playlist and you can tell why as this is one that you can really enjoy the vibe and it makes you bop your head and tap your foot, the track has so much light and shade with amazing storytelling and you can imagine this track being a hit on the festival scene and with all lovers of music as they capture their music so well and I can say that this band are now in my ones to watch.

I can’t wait to hear what’s next for them and I hope that they carry on as they are producing amazing tracks and I think ill have to have a listen to their other tracks.



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