We have the brand new song from Issoria to review. Convicted is Issoria's debut single.
Issoria, whos real name is Vanessa, is a singer in a band called Goodnight, Sunrise and come from Toronto in Canada.
We were very excited to be listening to this new soloist. This song was produced and directed via ZOOM during the world pandemic and was recorded in a home made vocal booth compromised with every rug and blanket Vannesa could find in her house, personally I really couldn't tell as it is very well produced!
Issoria has a lovely tone to her voice which compliments the music. The song is very relaxing and mysterious and definitely fits well within the dream pop genre, the message of the song is intriguing and makes me want to listen to more.
Issoria has really spread the her wings with this song and the song, like a butterfly, develops into something really beautiful. Vocally she sounds like Lykke Li.
We can't wait to hear more of Issoria's projects and would like to thank her for letting us be apart of her journey.