Had this track come into my inbox just the other day from Emma Moore and her brand-new track Husbands or Kids, she is a fiery redhead with powerful vocals and has played Bob Harris’ The Under the Apple tree stage at The Long Road Festival. Her 2018 release “Good Girl, spent 8 weeks on BBC Introducing and has also had over 30,000 streams on Apple Music.
This new track was Produced and Mastered in The Home of Country, Nashville so I’m expecting this to be a cracking track. Let’s dive in and have a listen to this track.
The track starts off virtually acapella with a bit of guitar strokes before the track comes alive with more instruments and gives us an Americana feel to the track.
This is such a great track, and I can see this being played at a festival as the crowd would be listening to this and would love the feel of the track with its light and shade and also its musicianship, the song however is short but sweet and I would love to hear what follow up she has to this track because its sure to be a corker. I love the tone in her voice and the way she tells the story makes me engage with the song so much.
Can see this track when release repeating Emma’s good charting position and possibly go further I love her track. Thank you for your track I can’t wait to hear what else you have coming up.